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The Italo-Brazilian Society of Bragança Paulista

One of the oldest in the country, founded by local immigrants on February 2, 1891, under the name Società Democratica de Mutuo Socorso. After a few years of operation, with the purchase of the land on Coronel Leme Street, construction of its own headquarters began. The project was completed thanks to the donations from its members.


Italian classes

The study of Italian Language and Culture at SIB is taught by Professor Larissa Machado, who graduated in Letters in 2008 and holds certification in the Italian language from the University of Siena.

Cineclube Paradiso

The Paradiso Film Club aims to regularly showcase movies that have production, music, or settings in Italy. However, it is open to the promotion of all types of material that cater to our audience.

Photos and videos


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